Day 1 - August 24, 2007 Corona, CA to Eloy, AZ
The rusty hangar doors creaked and groaned as we pushed them open taking care not to wake the Cub before it was necessary. The little Cub had many hours of flying ahead and could use the extra sleep. It seems Mother Earth had the same idea as she managed to pull a blanket of overcast clouds over her to keep the rising sun from disturbing her sleep. Though we were the only people at the airport at 5:00 AM, it seemed respectful to be quiet and not to wake the other aircraft while packing the Cub.
Finally the sun gave us the lighted sky needed to depart. The Cub started on the first blade and seemed eager to get into the air. Lift-off was smooth as we rose effortlessly above the trees that line the boundary of the airport. Our first turn to the crosswind departure gave us a view below of the city waking up. It was their last day of the work-week and the first day of our adventure. We enjoyed the cool early morning air while it lasted.
Later in the day the heat of the searing sun would take its toll on the Cub and its pilot. We vowed to be done flying and on the ground by noon. Eloy, Arizona was our resting place for the first night. Tomorrow more desert, so an early day was in order.
Day 2 - August 25, 2007 Eloy, AZ to Deming, NM
There is something ominous about being awakened by lightning and thunder one hour before your alarm clock goes off. The good news; you can roll over, get more sleep and forget flying this morning. The bad news; you MUST forget flying this morning. A quick check of the weather on the internet indicated that there might be a possibly in the afternoon to fly. The operant word here is "might."
By 1:30 PM we were in the air under overcast skies replete with 30 mph headwinds. But, none-the-less, we were flying! Half way to our first fuel stop we passed a ridge and were instantly transported to a magical National Geographic's moment in scenery.
Cruising along just 500 feet above the rolling hills framed by jagged mountains on the horizon and crisp blue skies meant reaching for the camera to get the shot. The photos of Day 2 will tell the story of today's flight as close as any words could.
Day 3 - August 26, 2007 Deming, NM to Tucumcari, NM
Sunrise announced itself with colorful grandeur on our third morning. Soft pink hues transitioned into deep scarlet reds as the sun began to make its morning appearance. The air was cool, but that wouldn't last for long, so being efficient was important.
Throttling up as we accelerate down the runway, the glare of the newly risen sun challenged us to keep centered on the runway.
Dawn departures carry a magical moment. The air is still, so unlike midday takeoffs, we seem to levitate with the earth leaving us rather than the other way around.
The turn north to intercept the Rio Grande River put the golden morning sky off our right shoulder. Morning light brings colors like this to Mother Earth only once in a day. Backlit trees complete with dew covered fields of grass for our attention. The moment is captured with a camera to remind us of a moment too perfect to forget.
Cars and trucks begin to fill the roads below. Today is Sunday and some of them are on their way to church or to visit family. We fly 500 feet above them admiring this perfect time of the day.
The Rio Grande River comes into our view. We follow it north past the City of Truth or Consequences and other settlements too small to be named. At Socorro, NM our heading changes to avoid the higher mountains. We work our way through canyons carved by ancient rivers and valleys still being formed by rushing creeks. Moriarty, NM is our highest airport on the adventure. Once east of it, we can take a deep sigh of relief because it's all down hill from here.
Day 4 - August 27, 2007 Tucumcari, NM to Emporia, KS
With the mountains at our backs, the western plains lay ahead. Flying east into the morning sun provided us with the opportunity to look back at the plains as they began to show their rich colors and shapes.
A tail wind began to toss us around, with the payoff being a 30 mph ground speed increase. We actually passed cars and trucks on the Interstate for the first time on the adventure.
Kansas is flat! After days in mountainous western states, witnessing a perfectly level horizon seemed peculiar. Farms and ranches now pass below replacing steep walled valleys from the past few days. Grain elevators can be seen for miles. Small towns announce their presence by proudly posting their name on a water tower. Of course some high school seniors have added “Class of 07” to the tower as well.
It's all so different, yet so America. A farmer plowing his field leaves a trail of dust that is carried by the prevailing winds. We used the plume to determine the wind direction for landing. We noticed one farmer stick his head out to see the little Cub as we pass overhead. Maybe he's a pilot, or wishes he was.
Day 5 - August 28, 2007 Emporia, KS to Blakesburg, IA
We did some barnstorming today! Not the kind of barnstorming your thinking of with wing-walkers and planes crashing into buildings. The kind of barnstorming we've been planning for a long time. First an explanation is in order. The icon of America farming is disappearing at an alarming rate. The old wooden barns are being torn down and replaced with metal buildings or no buildings at all since the methods of agricultural storage have been modernized.
This year it was important for us to photograph as many traditional barns as possible. Some would be freshly painted red while others would be nearly falling over. But all of them would be classic reminders of an era passing.
Shortly after sunrise when we took to the air, we spied our first relic. A shallow dive followed by a steep turn put us in perfect alignment to capture this grand old sentinel with our camera; and so it was all morning long. Finally some aerobatics to position the camera, then the shot. We must have looked like an intoxicated barn swallow during mating season.
In between the barnstorming, we bailed some hay. Our passion to capture the long shadows formed by large rolls of hay resting in a field in the morning light never seems to be satisfied.
We stopped in Ottumwa, IA to have the engine oil changed and then to Blakesburg, IA for the Antique Airplane Association annual fly- We are sure the Cub's wheels touched the soft green blades of grass as its weight came to bear on Mother Earth, but we never felt it. However, we had arrived!
Day 6 - August 29, 2007 Blakesburg, IA – Antique Airplane Association Fly-In
This was the first morning we were able to keep the curtains closed in the motel room and sleep late. Okay 6:30 AM isn’t late. Overcast skies meant many vintage pilots would wait for better weather tomorrow. Today we’d spend time in the museum.
The drive to Blakesburg from the motel in Ottumwa took us down quaint rural gravel roads. Small farm houses with children’s swing sets and clothes lines reminded me of growing up in the Midwest years ago. The dust cloud that followed us made us feel like a stunt pilot with “Smoke On.” Now our brand new rental car looked very, very rural as the dust covered the entire vehicle.
There were several ‘religious’ moments during the day as some brave souls arrived from under the overcast skies. The very second the sound of an aircraft engine could be heard in the distance, all discussions would stop and the sport of guessing what aircraft was arriving would commence. The old times were the most proficient. I’ve got a long way to go in this competition.
As soon as the airplane landed, many of us would go over to admire it. A proud pilot would emerge from the cabin to be greeted by a dozen or more enthusiasts. Smiles, handshakes and words of praise flowed like beer at a Super Bowl party. This was home to all of us and our relatives were just arriving.
Day 7 - August 30, 2007 Blakesburg, IA – Antique Airplane Association Fly-In
There’s an art to sitting in a lawn chair and judging airplane landings with other aviators. Words of criticism must be chosen carefully. Words of praise are of even more importance. Be too kind on your evaluation of everyone’s landings and your comments may be dismissed. If you are too harsh, you might be considered too judgmental. Hmmmm, as you can see, there is indeed an art to this. Becoming a ‘lawn chair judge’ takes years and years and many lawn chairs.
I’m such a novice that I tremble every time I have to walk in front of the lawn chair judges. Perhaps in a decade or two I may utter my first critique of someone’s landing; but don’t bet on it.
Taking photos is much less intimidating. Stand with the rest of the photographers and point your camera. No comments need to be made. Well, that’s not completely correct. Sometimes a genuinely soft spoken, “YES!” confirms you got the shot. Kind of like holding up that 12 pound bass a few seconds longer so every other fisherman around can see you brag without a word said.
There’s an art to attending a fly-in. But perhaps, second only to seeing some amazing vintage airplane, is watching the other attendees.
Day 8 - August 31, 2007 Blakesburg, IA – Antique Airplane Association Fly-In
“Are you the guy who flew the Cub from California?” Is the question we hear a number of times a day. It’s a great way for both a conversation and a new friendship to begin. Admiring these wonderful antique airplanes is only a part of the story. Meeting pilots and talking about their passion can fill hours of a day.
Oddly enough, there isn’t much bragging. Most of it is modest recollections of the hours spent reconstructing some very rare airplane. The listener must remember these aircraft were originally built in factories on special fixtures and jigs. The restorers must improvise and recreate similar conditions to completely refurbish a limited edition airplane.
But the pride in their words and on their faces is undeniable. They sit proudly in the shade provided by the wing of their airplane. Much like a mother holding her newborn child beaming with pride, these dedicated individuals speak volumes about the satisfaction vintage restoration can bring a person.
Day 9 – September 1, 2007 Blakesburg, IA – Antique Airplane Association Fly-In
The late arrivals began to show up in droves by mid-morning. They estimated over 300 vintage airplanes were in attendance. The discussions were lively and it was easy to determine that it had been a year since some of these pilots had seen their friends. Frank Baker and I walked the lines of parked aircraft admiring each of them. Spending time with Frank is like having instant access to the “Google” of aviation. He knows every airplane on the field and a fair amount of its history. It's like having your own personal tour guide.
A father and his 5 ½ year old sons were standing near a Cub. I asked the little guy if he would pose next to the Cub. He walked over next to the landing gear and posed like he'd done it for years. Then he made his Dad stand next to the Cub while he took a photo of him. This kid will go far in this world.
There was one more surprise for us today. My DVD of last years adventure (Flight Home) was shown on the big screen for over 75 people. What a thrill to see it on a big screen with an awesome sound system. I blushed as the credits came to a close and everyone applauded. Tomorrow on to Galesburg, IL. and the Stearman Fly-In.
Day 10 – September 2, 2007 Blakesburg, IA to Galesburg, IL – Stearman Fly-In
The grass was wet with morning dew. My shoes were soaked in short order as I untied the Cub. I heard muted voices around me as other pilots prepared their airplanes for departure. In the distance the clatter of a small engine could be heard. Blakesburg was waking up.
Pushing the Cub from its tie-down, freshly mowed grass clung to the large tires. Sparkling dew shed itself from the wings as they rocked over the uneven turf. The Cub creaked, showing its age.
Shadows were long as the sun made its way over the horizon. The anticipation of flying aloft on a perfect Midwest morning created a quickening of our pulses.
Another pilot propped the reluctant Cub's engine through eight times. Then: “Mags hot, Brakes set, Throttle closed,” was announced. With brisk motion, the pilot flipped the prop; but the engine didn't start. Perhaps the moisture had invaded the mags. Six or seven blades later, the 75 Continental horses finally woke up and galloped proudly, as the throttle was eased back to idle.
The Cub pranced along the turf taxiway as if showing off to the other airplanes that it was going to fly and they were still tied down.
Day 11 – September 3, 2007 Galesburg, IL – Stearman Fly-In
The huge bi-wing Stearman's that arrived yesterday slept-in late in their grass tiedown area. Over the horizon came the sound big radial engines, undoubtedly another formation of Stearman's arriving. The Cub sat proudly with its nose pointed to the west and beads of the mornings dew covering its bright yellow fabric.
Only a radio, GPS, and headset needed to be loaded. A complete check of the simple 1939 airframe and engine and we were 'good to go.' Carefully I propped the engine through six blades to prime the four tiny cylinders with fuel. Each blade gave me a chance to listen to all things mechanical before making the mags hot.
With mags hot, one vigorous flip of the propeller brought the Cubs engine to life. Coughing and puffing light grey smoke as all the cylinders decided to do their job together. I smiled, pulled the throttle back to idle and got in.
During the left crosswind departure, our eyes searched for the arriving Stearmans. We would fly north the west to devour the morning light and the magic it performs on the farmlands below. This is where I wish I could take you along. Clear, smooth, soft morning air and crisp views in every direction meant our time needed to be divided by watching for aircraft in the area and taking photos to share with you.
No words could begin to describe what you will see in the 'Photos' page for today. Just add to them the sound of an old four cylinder engine and the smells of freshly mown fields and you are as good as with us in the cockpit.
Day 12 – September 4, 2007 Galesburg, IL – Stearman Fly-In
Morning flights require a light jacket. The slightly brisk morning air brings enthusiastic performance from all of the 75 horses responsible for turning the propeller. After lift-off, flight in smooth air is like a glass lake begging for the first boat to create a wake.
Control inputs are light and seldom required. Only turns to position for a photo are needed. Northern Illinois at 500 feet above the ground is an outdoor photographers dream.
After a while guessing how large a rural family is and what the ages of the children are becomes a game we enjoy. Swing sets, new doughboy swimming pools and play houses are the easiest to guess the ages of the children. Hot rod cars, motor boats, jet skis, and ATV's are a sure bet young adults live there. If the swing set is overgrown with weeds and the water in the doughboy swimming pool is green and there aren't any cars or boats, it's likely an empty nest.
Just being observant, America from 500 feet above will tell you a lot about herself.
Day 13 – September 5, 2007 Galesburg, IL – Stearman Fly-In
After our morning flight, the weather became an issue. We opted for staying in Galesburg, IL one more day. A few more of our favorite barns are posted on the Photos 2007 page.
The next few days we may not have internet access. For those wondering if we made it, just keep checking back. We'll find a way to post logbook entries and photos.
Day 14 – September 6, 2007 Galesburg, IL to Brodhead, WI
We quietly slid under the overcast layer of clouds, as we departed Galesburg, IL. To our left were all the Stearman's lined up perfectly awaiting their daily activities. We, on the other hand, were quite content to take their picture as we departed the area on our way to Brodhead, WI, and the Midwest Antique Airplane Club's Grassroots Annual Fly-In.
Even with the gloomy clouds above, the scenery below was a vivid representation of America's heartland. Corn, alfalfa, and soybean fields stretched all the way to the hazy horizon. Rivers, streams and creeks were rushing their muddy brown water in an effort to keep from flooding the farms.
We found an oval barn and circled for a photo or two. The Cub's nimble responses can put the photographer in good position in a few moments. Besides, standing the Cub on its wing gives the pilot that Tom Cruise/Top Gun moment we all crave. “Got it Goose?”
Landing Brodhead simply must be experienced and not just described. A Twilight Zone story could have been played out here very easily. Hangars filled with vintage aircraft in various states of refurbishment are clustered at the south end of the field. No hard surface taxi-ways or runways can be found. Small tents under tube and fabric airplanes dot the edges of the field. This is “THE” fly-in for vintage and classic aircraft.
Day 15 – September 7, 2007 Midwest Antique Airplane Club, Grass Roots Fly-In. Brodhead, WI
Dark clouds and gusty winds threatened arriving airplanes. Word around the airfield was that the afternoon would bring clearing skies and calmer winds. Pilots are an optimistic lot. Rather than letting the weather ground their attitudes, most pilots milled around the airfield admiring other airplanes and chatting with their proud owners. Make no mistake; everyone was patiently waiting out the weather in anticipation of more airplanes arriving.
One of the brave pilots to make the successful journey today was Frank Baker. That came as no surprise to anyone here. Frank authored the book: “Piper Cub Tales.” If you enjoy reading about flying adventures; you simply cannot find a better book to read.
The weatherman's prediction came through. By late afternoon, the skies were blue and light breezes brought an end to this day.
Day 16 – September 8, 2007 Midwest Antique Airplane Club, Grass Roots Fly-In. Brodhead, WI
Lined up on a grass taxi-way behind some very rare antique aircraft made the wait for our turn to take-off pass quickly. Once aloft in the crystal clear morning air, vintage aircraft were arriving from every direction. Biplanes, low wings, and high wings moved slowly through the air; and we were one of them. It was as if they were ingredients poured into a mixing bowl. Each blended perfectly into the traffic pattern to await their turn to land.
We headed north over the town of Brodhead. The deep blue skies pressed against the verdant green crops made the horizon a distinctive line rather than a hazed blur so often seen in urban areas. Red brick buildings and water towers were the landmarks easily seem as we flew effortlessly towards this community where most of its residents were enjoying their Saturday morning breakfast.
It was the perfect start to the perfect day. We were unprepared for the shear number of vintage, classic and antique airplanes that would attend aviations family reunion in Brodhead, Wisconsin.
Day 17 – September 9, 2007 Brodhead, WI, to Madison, WI.
Imagine if golf was your passion and then playing a round of golf in a foursome with Jack Nicolas, Tiger Woods, and Arnold Palmer. For vintage aviators, flying with Frank Baker (author of “Piper Cub Tales”) is much the same experience. Frank knows flying and has had more adventures in a Cub than anyone we've met.
When the two of us left Brodhead we flew to his home airport, Waunakee, WI, and fueled the Cubs. From there we flew low and slow over the Wisconsin countryside landing at small grass strips along the way.
His enthusiasm, love of flying and passion for vintage aircraft are unmatched. Tying the Cub down tonight represented a milestone in my aviation logbook. Tomorrow, weather permitting; we'll do more touring of this beautiful countryside.
Day 18 – September 10, 2007 Madison, WI.
We awoke to pouring rain this morning. The Cub was probably looking forward to getting Mother Nature to rinse some of the dust and bugs off. I used the time to update the website and consider our route home.
Sitting in a Starbucks in Madison, WI seems like a good place to nurture our creative side. Besides, people-watching is our second favorite pastime.
Speaking of Mother Nature, we need thank her for the great weather we've had on this adventure. But once in a while she makes us take a breath and appreciate good weather. Tomorrow, if the rain moves through, we'll head to Dyersville. Likely some of the best landscape photographic opportunities we'll encounter.
Day 19 – September 11, 2007 Madison, WI to Dyersville, IA
The rain cleared out but strong gusty winds, make that gusty headwinds, meant a long bumpy trip. The Cub was cold and wet, but started easily. After lift-off the Cubs wings rocked as if children were playing on a teeter-tauter after having espresso.
A southwest heading took us over some of the prettiest countryside northern Wisconsin has to offer. The grand old Mississippi arrived under our nose right on schedule. We were caught up in the moment; crossing this American landmark.
Soon the unmistakable contour crop patterns so exquisitely carved into the hills of Iowa appeared. The view ahead of us grew more and more spectacular with each mile we consumed.
Dave Kramer was waiting for us when we touched down. We would spend many hours visiting small airfields along the Mississippi and northern Iowa. Seeing Dave and his wife Joan was like visiting a close relative who lives too far away to conveniently spend time with as much as we would have liked.
Day 20 – September 12, 2007 Dyersville, IA
Dave had to throttle back considerably to keep from passing the Cub as we cruised along following the hills and forests. The small airport was on the Wisconsin side of the Mississippi River. The Cub easily dropped into the traffic pattern and let big tires kiss the weed covered runway.
After breakfast the two vintage Light Sport Aircraft headed for a grass airstrip located 'in' the Mississippi River. Quaint summer homes lined the shore of this peninsula, each with a boat dock in front and the grass landing strip for a back yard.
Departing was no less remarkable. A right crosswind departure put us over the center of the Mississippi River. We followed the river a mile or so until turning inland, crossing valleys so thick with trees that rushing streams could only be identified when a man-made clearing was made.
Day 21 – September 13, 2007 Dyersville, IA to Atlantic, IA
Even with the doors and windows closed on the Cub, the black windbreaker struggled to keep me warm after departing Dyersville International Grass Strip Airport. Fierce headwinds challenged us to make our waypoints with adequate fuel in reserve. The ride was nothing to write home about either, but the scenery would steal the show every minute of the flight.
Long morning shadows that stretched from the base of the trees and houses accented the golden fields of ripened corn. Cars carrying school kids to their classes patiently waited behind farm tractors loping along rural roads. It all unfolded just 500 feet below us as we silently observed the ritual that takes place every weekday morning when school is in session.
One barn brought a smile to our faces because it looked like someone had purposefully placed the windows and doors so as to create a face on it, much like a child's “Farm in the Dell” reading book cover. Though our ground speed could have been duplicated by any teenager on a 10 speed bike, we enjoyed hour after hour of Iowa's best performance.
Day 22 – September 14, 2007 Atlantic, IA to Erie, CO
We ran through the preflight checklist at the end of the runway. The sun was just legally rising in the east on a cold crisp Midwest morning. Turning on to the runway, advancing the throttle, and pushing the control stick forward seemed like an automatic response. When the runway left the large black tires, the earth was bathed in rich golden sunlight and exquisitely long shadows from every tree, bush and house.
The sun at our back created intense colors only experienced at daybreak. Farmlands seemed illuminated in gold and green punctuated by white houses and red barns. The air was smooth even with the light headwind. We slid the left window open to capture some of this with the camera. Icy cold winds swirled around the diminutive cabin as we braced the camera for each shot. If we had not awakened before takeoff, we were now.
Crossing the state line from Iowa to Nebraska wasn't a big deal, but each of us feels a sense of accomplishment when we arrive in another state. At first, nothing seemed remarkably different, but then the terrain began to flatten and mechanical irrigation seemed more prevalent. Farms and ranches seem as if they had more acreage.
Today's photos tell it best again. These photos are worth every penny of the thousand words they convey.
Day 23 – September 15, 2007 Erie, CO
We needed a wind down day. Visiting with friends and family in the Boulder area was a relaxing way to spend a day before making the voyage across the Rockies on Sunday. Throughout the day, vivid memories of yesterday morning's flight invaded my conscious state with annoying regularity.
From terraced fields to tiny country churches to managing a cross country adventure in the confines of a vintage airplane, there is so much to appreciate about the simplicity of vintage flying. It is never a matter of how much can I bring as it is a matter of what do I really NEED.
Day 24 – September 16, 2007 Erie, CO to Las Vegas, NM
The Denver skyline was off our left wing, and so was John in his Piper Tri Pacer. John met us at the Erie airport where he keeps his plane. We discussed the best way to circumnavigate the Denver airspace. He then offered to fly with us until we were clear of it; just another reminder of the camaraderie in general aviation.
Looking back at the Denver skyline the drama of an early morning rain shower played out. On our right were the Rocky Mountains. We'd be challenged to fly through some of the mountain passes today and tomorrow on our way home.
The terrain below was unmistakably Colorado. High plains with widely spaced ranches and some very elaborate homesteads. The Rockies were our constant companion to our right. We flew the better part of the day at or above 6,000 feet; at times close to 8,000 feet.
Today's gift was at Raton, NM airport. Keith remembered me from last year. I remembered Keith and his warm, homemade chocolate chip cookies. His coffee sported various Starbuck-like flavors and his conversation was genuinely entertaining. This guy knows how to treat tired pilots.
Arriving at Las Vegas, NM, we were fully aware that this would be the end of today's flying. The headwinds and downdrafts made continuing over the mountain passes to Albuquerque a bad idea. The morning would bring much cooler temperatures and calm winds (or so we hoped).
Day 25 – September 17, 2007 Las Vegas, NM to Gallup, NM
Mother Nature tried to warn us. “Red sky in the morning, sailors take warning.” Yeah, well it applies to pilot too. The crimson morning light should have been obvious enough. We launched into the partly overcast skies determined conquer the mountains between us and Albuquerque. Unfortunately, the very tired, old Continental horses weren't breathing the thick sea level air they had become accustomed to. At nearly 7,000 feet above sea level none of them produced enough energy to give us the climb we needed to fly above the high terrain.
Last year, I recall getting some mechanical lift just prior to the bluffs we needed to cross.
Thank God it was there this year also. At 8,500 feet we cleared the high terrain comfortably, but not very quickly thanks to our weeklong friend, Mr. Headwind.
To our right, enormous black clouds with bolts of lightning seemed determined to push the mountain peaks back into the earth from which they came. The battle ensued as we passed well to the south and out of harms way.
We smiled as we landed at Albuquerque in calm winds. Perhaps good ole Mother Nature was wrong. Perhaps not as we launched thirty minutes later to find ferocious headwinds and turbulence just ten miles after we lifted off.
By noon the turbulence had beaten us up badly and gusty winds down the runway seemed like a reward for mastering the bumps aloft. The line boy (okay, that's what they call them) immediately chained the Cub to the ground as soon as the propeller quit spinning.
We were done flying for the same reason, for the second time in as many days. The weather briefer confirmed that this front wouldn't pass until early the next morning. Gallup, NM had a new visitor for the night and the Cub earned yet another restful evening in a cozy hangar.
Day 26 – September 18, 2007 Gallup, NM to Lake Havasu, AZ
The storm had passed in the night leaving the sky clear and the winds calm. The high desert earth's colors were rich and vivid as the warm morning light gave them life. There were far too many photos to post on the “Photos 2007” page because our route of flight took us over the land of Route 66.
The landscape was a total contrast to the farms of Iowa. Here the land was mostly untouched and its native beauty enchants one's eyes with shapes and colors best seen from aloft. The greens of the Midwest are rare in this part of our county. When they do find water, they provide rich reminders of survival and beauty in harsh elements.
Day 27 – September 19, 2007 Lake Havasu, AZ to Corona, CA
The last day of any adventure begins with a sense of accomplishment and a sense of reluctance. The Cubs wheels left the earth much the same way they have for the past 27 days. We aligned ourselves with the middle of the Colorado River and followed it downstream until our first fuel stop at Blythe, California.
The landscape west of Blythe was typical Southern California desert. We followed Interstate 10 eastbound until near Corona, CA. Images from the last three weeks came to mind. People we met and experiences now indelibly a part of our memory brought a strong sense fulfillment that would drive the passion to fly again and again.
Thanks for coming along on this adventure with us. We thought of you with each photo we took. We couldn't wait to share our thoughts and images each night as we prepared the new material for the web page. Give some thought to coming along again next year. Oh yah…don't forget your cup of coffee.
Trip Statistics for Grassroots Adventure 2007
Number of days on the adventure: 27 days
Number of statute miles flown: 4,544.5miles
Number of legs: 55 legs
Longest leg: 2 hours, 0 minutes
Shortest leg: I'm pretty sure it's my left leg.
Total Flight time: 73 hours, 18 minutes
Gallons of Fuel: 297.6 gallons
Estimated gallons per hour: 4.1 Gallons Per Hour
Total number of photos taken: 5,455 photos

Logbook for
Grassroots Adventure 2007
No matter how many hours a pilot spends in the air, there is a compelling urge to describe the experiences felt as we view the land below us. This not-so-typical logbook captures some thoughts on a journey across America.